Monday, December 6, 2010
Bamma and I
When I ask her who I am, she nods absently, not sure it is indeed her oldest grandchild in front of her. I hear a flutter inside of me and I am pretty sure those are the sounds of my heart breaking. Not fair, I think, she at least recognized me between the sibling and I just last week. “This is how dementia is”, granddad tries to comfort me, memory lapses alternate with sudden flashes of memory.
I wonder what she’s thinking, if she remembers any of her former life. Images of the freedom fighter, the orator, the history teacher, the strict mother, the devoted wife, the doting grandmother all whirl around us , Bamma and I ,as we sift through bundles of family pictures I bring to her on every visit . She points at herself in a picture of her speaking at a seminar for women’s rights or some such before quickly moving on to another with such swiftness that I wonder if the details are lost on her.
Her gaze fixes on my mauve footwear, all the pictures are forgotten and she asks to try it on her. While trying to get her feet into them, I am just grateful for any trace of her former craze for trendy footwear returning. I tell her I will get her a new pair the next time .I don’t understand if her grunt means a yes or a whatever. I take her out into the garden for some fresh air. As I seat her on the bench, I offer to sing her favorite songs and she says yes, please do. When I ask her which one, I am met with silence. As a child, her unending requests for me to sing would irritate me. She loved to hear me sing while I‘d much rather go out and play. I start singing her favorite song and my eyes well up with tears with each passing note until I can sing no more. I stop and look into her eyes .For a full 30 seconds, our eyes meet. In a moment of total understanding, she takes my palm and kisses it. We watch the sunset and the birds fly back into their nests. We head back inside, Bamma and I ,and we are all good.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Pleased to announe the publishing of my first book review on writer's website Chillibreeze.
Feel free to check the link and post your comments .
All kinds of remarks are welcome in the process of nourishing my literary skills ...
Monday, August 23, 2010
- Else
- Artemis Fowl
- Napolean
- The girl with the Dragon Tattoo series
- The Great Indian Middle Class
- The elephant, The tiger and the Cellphone
- Night Train to Deoli
On my touring list :
- London
- Dublin
- Paris
- Naples
- Rome
- Venice
- Florence
- Capri
- Mykonos Islands, Greece
- Istanbul,Turkey
With so many places on the radar, it is sure to burn a hole deep and unending in my pockets ..but i am not giving up just yet .Its miles to go before i sleep, literally!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
ok so Mr Tharoor is on his way out and ever so unwilling is the media to let the story go. I mean how significant is this event in all the scheme of things that the country faces today. Why is there no such furore or fervent discussion on Dantewada? Isn't it so obvious for all to see ...i mean how glamorous is a rebellion fight in the hills of Chattisgarh ( whose capital i bet most of us aren't even aware of!) compared to a salacious combination of power(Tharoor) and beauty(Sunanda) in the corridoors of the Capital?
How many more such stories will go undiscussed , unfocussed before we reality comes crashing down on us? When will we begin to respect the value of a fellow Indian's life ?
It won's so long as public thinking is shaped by a media that habitually chooses to chase and magnify trivia instead of issues that demand serious attention. Have most of us already forgotten the tragedy of 26/11 or the 94 Bombay blasts etc?